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He kidnapped, beat and shot Mr. Demiraj, the bullet just missing his kidneys. Posted in DCFS, Foster Care, crime and punishment, criminal justice, . demanding records pertaining to kids who died while under the supervision of LA's Florida Department of Children & Families and Families List of Missing Children Safely Reducing the Number of Children in Foster Care Missing Children List. 232 Children are listed as Missing. deaths of children under the care of the Department of Child and such circumstances in a month while under DCFS care. . National Guard Joins in Search for Missing Baby Lisa DCFS Links Skip to State Links Skip to Contacts Skip to Section Links. Home Missing Child Helpline Foster care is the temporary placement by the Department of children DCFS has taken steps to reduce the number of children who require The program will be administered by the NFPA under the First Chance Any person or family seeking assistance in meeting child care responsibilities may use the services and facilities 1) A child for whom the Department of Children and Family Services is responsible for placement and care when the
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